Sleuthing 101 – Background Checks and the Law: The first book focused on the subject of Employment Background Checks
A Must Read for:
- Human Resource Professionals
- Employment and Labor Law Attorneys
- Security and Loss Prevention Professionals
- Every Employer
What you need to know about Federal Law, State Law, and more:
- FCRA Disclosure Requirements
- Adverse Action Requirements
- New Workplace Investigations Legislation
- Federal Employment Law Summaries
- Complying with the EEOC
- State Background Screening Laws Summarized
- Drug Testing Laws of Every State
- State Specific Language for Employment Applications
- Special Section on State Legislation in the Home Healthcare Industry
Sleuthing 101, Background Checks and the Law answers the questions:
Why should you conduct employment background checks?
What are the federal and state laws you need to understand to perform background checks within the law?
What are the steps to performing a background check?
What types of information are available and how do you use it?
What should you do when negative information is reported?
What limitations are there in each state for drug testing?
How can you create the perfect employment application?
“Sleuthing 101 is the only work of its kind that combines everything you need to know in one easy to understand format. As a ready reference, you will have a handy guide and a guiding hand for your hiring practices.”
Paul Falcone – Author, Instructor and Internationally Recognized Speaker on Human Resources Issues
“Sleuthing 101 offers an easy to read and understandable guide that addresses the full realm of laws that deal with background screening.”
W. Barry Nixon, SPHR. Founder and Executive Director, National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc. COO, PreemploymentDirectory.com
“This book will prove to be a very useful and powerful resource for employers.”
Michael Sankey, CEO, BRB Publications
“An excellent resource for every company, especially any manager, security officer, owner or human resource professional.”
Arthur F. Silbergeld, Esq., Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP, formerly Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP
“Every employer must protect themselves. Sleuthing 101 is extremely useful as a guide on the laws surrounding background screening.”
Jeff Williams, Staffing Manager, Public Storage Corporation
“This booklet provides a simplified guide to conduct sound business practices while avoiding the legal pitfalls of labor law.”
Walt Kainz, CPP, CFE
National Director of Corporate Security